Contact us

General Enquiries

For further information or specific enquires, please contact the appropriate service or department below.


For any queries from the media please visit the UHB Media Enquires page.

UHB Media Enquiries Page

Health Data Access

The right of access, commonly referred to as subject access, gives you the right to obtain access to personal information held about you under the Data Protection Act.

You can request access to your personal information or make a request on behalf of someone else

Please visit the UHB Patient Record Access page

Patient, Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE)

Find out more in general about PPIE Groups within University Hospitals Birmingham.

Local PPIE Groups

To find out more about Research Data PPI please email R& or use the link below to fill out our application form.

To find out more about PATHWAY: UHB Health Data Research Hub PPIE groups and becoming a Members of a Data trust committee. Please email R& or use this link to fill out our application form.

To find out more and get involved in PIONEER: The Health Data Research Hub for Acute Care and our advisory group called the PIONEER Data Trust Committee.

To find out more and get involved in INSIGHT: The Health Data Research Hub for Eye Health. Our PPIE group and our Data Trust Advisory Board (DataTAB)

Find out more about UK wide PPIE groups surrounding patient data

Local PPIE Groups

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to request and access information held by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB).

Please visit the UHB Freedom of Information request page for more information.

UHB Freedom of Information Request Page

Social Media

You can follow us on Social Media

If you want to request access to data find out how to do this here

Accessing Health Data