Data Safety And Security

The Five Safes Framework

UHB is committed to promoting the protection of privacy and data security in line with the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Health Data Governance, and to use a proportionate approach to the governance of data access based on the ‘five safes’. UHB recognises the model’s key feature that the five dimensions ‘severally and jointly’ contribute to the safety (or risk) around data access.

Safe Data

The data for research projects is depersonalised to protect the privacy of patients

Safe Projects

Data will only be provided for projects with ethical approval an a clear public benefit by the data controller (UHB)

Safe People

Only trained researchers and specially accredited users are authorised to use the data safely

Safe Settings

Data is accessed within a secure environment that prevents unauthorised access and use

Safe Outputs

The outputs (Publication or findings) are screened and approved to ensure no data is re-identifiable

UHB Governance Information

UHB has received ethical approvals from the NHS Research Ethics Service (now a function of the Health Research Authority) for all the UHB Research Data Hubs.

To ensure correct oversight and governance of all UHB Health Data Hubs, each Data Hubs has oversight committees set up to monitor and review all data requests. To find out more information please review the individual UHB Health Data Research Hubs.

Privacy Notice

Under data protection law as a Trust we are legally required to provide information about how we use patient information. This needs to be done in a way that is concise, transparent, easy to understand, easily accessible, written in clear, plain language and free of charge. The Trust has a clear informative display of privacy notices both applicable to patients and staff accessible in a number of different formats.

Please see University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust website to see how your data is used within the UHB Health Research Data hubs here

If you want to request access to data find out how to do this here

Accessing Health Data