What is the PATHWAY Research Data Hub
PATHWAY is a Research Data Hub that will provide safe access to those clinicians, analysts and researchers who are committed to using this data to improve patient care and the population’s health and well-being.
What makes PATHWAY datasets unique?
The PATHWAY Research Data Hub is designed to provide UHB data for different types of analysis with the common purpose of all such projects is that there is a clear pathway to patient and public benefit.
What is the PATHWAY Data request process?
All requests for access to data will be considered as part of a four-stage review and data access mechanism. This will start with the Applicant completing a Data Request Form. This form will include contact details and a description of what the request involves to allow an assessment of the project however if more information may be required recorded discussions with the requestor will occur.
To see how the PATHWAY data application works in detail, see our Data Request Process diagram below or contact the PATHWAY team for more information on R&DPATHWAY@uhb.nhs.uk

PATHWAY Ethical Approvals
PATHWAY has full NHS ethical approvals (NRES Reference 22/EE/0161 ). The hubs ethical approval can be utilised by researchers, where the research projects falls within the scope of Pathways ethics.
Researchers who have obtained independent ethical approvals from a NHS research ethics committee, can also submit a data request to Pathway. Please provide a copy of your ethical approval, upon submission of the completed data request form.
PATHWAY Data Services
As part of the PATHWAY application process, our dedicated Data Concierge team will arrange a suitable time to discuss your request and how we can support you. This will include identifying your data specification requirements as well as offer guidance on your data request form ready for submission to the Data Trust Committee.
PATHWAY Cost Model
Your proposed project will be subject to a cost model review by the ‘Research application support (RAS)’ team or the Data Concierge team. The review will make considerations for the costs associated with preparing and providing access to approved dataset. The cost model will be provided to the lead researcher for approval.
Submit a PATHWAY Data Request
Before submitting a formal data request application to PATHWAY, we recommend you contact us to discuss your application.
Email: R&Dpathway@uhb.nhs.uk
PATHWAY Data Security
PATHWAY Research Data Hub has created a Data Trust Committee to oversee requests, this group has clear reporting structures into UHB Executive team Board and Audit Committee to ensure an increased assurance for safe management of healthcare data access requests.
PATHWAY Governance Information
PATHWAY is funded by UHB as part of its commitment to using its routinely collected health data efficiently, safely and ethically for ‘public good’ through research and quality improvement activities. UHB may receive income arising from the function of the UHB PATHWAY Research Database, notably through grants (such as from the NIHR or MRC) or as part of commercial arrangements agreed with external applicants which aligns with fair value return to the NHS. Any income will support the sustainability of UHB’s health data research activities, and the wider delivery of high quality care to the patients and community we serve.
PATHWAY Research Data Hub has created a Data Trust Committee to oversee requests, this group has clear reporting structures into UHB Executive team Board and Audit Committee to ensure an increased assurance for safe management of healthcare data access requests.