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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Owkin and University Hospitals Birmingham collaborate to use AI diagnostics in a study that may diagnose and help treat colorectal cancer quicker (03/19/2024)
- UHB’s STANDING Together Team – Winners of the Patient & Public Involvement and Engagement Award (01/25/2024)
- NIHR: Artificial intelligence: 10 promising interventions for healthcare (08/16/2023)
- HDR UK: Health Data Research Futures (08/16/2023)
- What happens to Health Data? – A guide by Understanding Patient Data (05/03/2023)
- Celebrating International Clinical Trials Day 2023 (05/03/2023)
- PATHWAY: The UHB Health Data Research Hub (05/03/2023)
- INSIGHT: The Health Data Research Hub for Eye Health (05/03/2023)
- PIONEER: The Health Data Research Hub for Acute Care (05/03/2023)
- Health Data Research UK website (05/03/2023)
- Generalisable Overview of Study Risk for Lead Investigators Needing Guidance (GOSLING): A Data Governance Risk Tool
- CODE-EHR best practice framework for the use of structured electronic healthcare records in clinical research
- Advantages of the technology age in Health Care
- The application of machine learning as a powerful approach for delineating disease pathogenesis and potential therapeutic interventions
- The use of Natural language processing (NLP) in enabling high-quality clinical research
- Using routinely collected healthcare data to improve the delivery of clinical trials
- INSIGHT: The Health Data Research Hub for Eye Health
- PIONEER: The Health Data Research Hub for Acute Care